Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 304: Rest Day

Four hours of sleep seems to be my limit right now. And getting to sleep is a little like trying to sneeze, when someone says "bless you," when they see that particular expression on your face that says, 'I am about to sneeze.' It flits, it floats, it fleetly flees, it flies. It sucks. At 3:30am, I finally took a pain killer-my placebo for sleeping pills.

Around 8 am, I awoke with a dream that I was in an amazing bicycle race that transcended time. At times I was in the 1930's, others I was in the present. Little Red was my bike through it all. I woke when I couldn't get Little Red off a descending elevator in an art deco skyscraper (where I'd had to ride the elevator to the top floor to have my photo taken with my bicycle--my outfit was very Amelia Earhart-esque) after another contestant pushed all the buttons to try to slow me. The doors would open at each floor, but the elevator only paused and dropped between levels. In frustration, I awoke and started my day.

JE's Birthday. We have a tradition in our family that we make breakfast in bed for each other, to celebrate birthdays. While JE slept, I made fresh squeezed orange juice (from oranges I picked myself), homemade waffles with maple syrup, Canadian bacon and poached eggs. Somehow, I seem to have surprised him.

This afternoon, JE wanted to go to the OC fair. So much fun. My favorite thing there is always the animals and the gardens, the crafts (particularly the woodworking, it inspires me) and the collections. The collections interest me because, I am always flabbergasted at what people collect! There was a shoebox filled with used staples--as in little shards of metal picked out of paper and tossed in a shoebox for safe keeping. Why!?! Other things are really cool, like the vintage kitchen tools and the Steve McQueen clothing.

Plan for the week:
AM: run, speed
PM: swim, recovery
Caprese chicken pasta salad

Tuesday AM: bike, long
Dinner: fresh tomato soup and cheesy bread

Wednesday AM: run, recovery
PM: swim, speed
Dinner: Chipotle

Thursday AM: Sets
Dinner: on the road to Zion

Friday: bucket-list fulfillment of hiking Zion's Subway and dinner out to celebrate

Saturday: funeral for our friend's kid who was killed in a scout boating accident, then head home. Swim to shake off the car ride

Day 303: Rhythm

Awesome, strong swim this morning. 2,500 yards. Not sure the time. Made some shifts and felt my core working, gliding. Pulling through my strong abdomen and lats, rather than just my arms. It makes for graceful elongated swim strokes and easy rotations in the turquoise water which on some days, matches my eyes. Almost effortless, until I stopped and realized how hard I was breathing, but still... That rhythm... Three strokes, breath. Three strokes, breath. Three strokes...

Recently, when I had an EKG, I got to see my heartbeat in 2D, stretched out long over a computer screen. My rhythm. Vibrant, steady, vital. It is mine, alone. Though I like to say I share my heart with my JE.

Sometimes, when I rest my head on his chest and tell him I can hear his heart, he asks what it is saying. I reply: 'Iris, Iris, Iris...' He'll cup the back of my head with his strong hand and draw me closer.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 302:

Busy day, from the moment I woke up to just now, I have been in motion. Swantje handed me a couple huge sewing projects, this morning which need to be done Monday night. It's nice to have work, just crappy timing. When it rains, it pours.

No exercise today, and feeling it. I used to be fat and happy, now fat just feels uncomfortable. This coming week will require planning for training and meals. Headed to Zion Thursday to hike the Subway. Lots to do to prepare for that.

Thought for the day: Don't put your love in a box. Love is messy and gooey and should be spread liberally and unfettered. Love is like honey

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 301: Baking

My day started with an amazing ride around the back bay. Physicality is a sure cure for doldrums. Lately, my average speed has been in the low 13 point something miles per hour. Today, I added a bit of speed to the mix. My 24.5 miles took less than an hour and a half, at an average pace of 14.8 mph.

My arvo was spent baking birthday pie for JE. I am spent. Two pumpkin, two apple, and two peach (and an order of Zombie bars for a client). Baking is so much more physical than I realized before I attempted a baking business. It is so hard on my body: I stand for hours on tile flooring, move 50 pound bags of flour and sugar, work at a counter built for someone who is a foot shorter than I. By the end of the day my legs, feet, back, shoulders, and neck are tight and aching. That is one of the main reasons I gave up for now. Just the pain of baking. Who knew? It made me hate to do it. Keeping it small and for people I love, keeps me wanting to bake.

No running today. My right calf is still recovering from bundling itself in a tight little ball. But I miss my run, feel a bit lost without it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 300(!!!): Dolce Vita

Tim and Debi, friends from church (Tim is also our mechanic) lived fairly close. They welcomed us to their home several times, and always invited us to travel with them and a small group of their friends. I never really took them seriously, thinking they were just being pleasant. Every year, they traveled with their family and/or friends to some amazing place. They especially loved cruises.

Today, I learned a lot about those two. Wish I had taken them seriously about traveling with them. Those two were so full of love and so willing to let people into their lives. They lived for their social lives, and were very genuinely loved and loving.

They were killed in a motorcycle accident a week and a half ago, and I helped with the family meal at the funeral today (Debi was always helping in the kitchen at church events, She was missed today). It was a sweet service, some laughter, lots of tears. The chapel was filled half way to the back of the full sized basketball court behind the chapel, usually separated by a partition.

I had a chance to review my life, which is a tiny bit of what I think funerals are about. Where am I in my hopes and desires for who I am and what I hope to be? Not at all where I want to be. As I was talking to my sister about this, she reminded me to look at the things I can do to correct it, not at those things where I feel I have failed. Forward moving, positive motion vs downward spiral. Gotta figure out how to wash off my people-repellant before I go to church.

Swimming can be a really reflective time for me, so I was a little apprehensive getting in the pool today. 48 laps, with 4/1 speed intervals. I did good; bested my best time by 2 seconds. I missed my speed laps at 28 and 32, blew right past them and thought I had somehow forwarded my chronometer. But reviewing that time slot showed my time in those spaces. I don't remember swimming it, lost in thought.

Day 299: Palace Verde

Last night, my calf was still in a tight little ball. Seeking to relieve this, I took a muscle relaxer and read while I waited for it to kick in. About half an hour later, I barely had time to put my book down, before I was taken over by a wave of complete unconscious bliss. Around ten, I finally started to wake up and discovered my JE was still in bed beside me. He wasn't feeling well, still.

Most of the morning, we lazed about. Finally around two, I was so anxious to get out of the house I could hardly stand myself.

We drove the 47 miles to Palace Verde, bicycles in tow. We set off down the road, enjoying the amazing views of the Great Pacific ocean that stretched out around us. It was a fun ride, and a bit of an adventure.

I only almost got killed once... Gold Mercedes decided that even though I had no safe shoulder or bike lane to ride in, nor enough road to safely share, I shouldn't take the lane (ride down the middle of the road, completely legal in such circumstances). JE said the bumper of the car sat 4 inches from my back tire. The guy in the car was blasting his horn at me for many, many seconds. I heard him, but I stayed my ground, completely ignoring him; as long as he was honking at me, he could see me. After I passed the median, before I could get back to the safe right of the lane, he passed me on my left, not a foot from me. Sometimes I wish people would just think--I am a person, a human being, and he had just threatened my life. I was riding there to be safe, there were plenty of reasons for me to be where I was. And then he had the nerve to flip me off. I think I need to start carrying rotten eggs...

JE swooped past me, in hot pursuit of the gold sedan. I didn't realize how bad the situation had been until I caught up and JE told me that he had been trying to catch up to the car so he could kick the guy's ass. Then he corrected himself and said that he would probably have killed him. (For those who do not know my JE, that is not part of his day to day vernacular--EVER. He is a very, very peaceful sort, unless compelled).

Adrenalin is a beautiful thing. After that incident, there were no hills on that very hilly road. Everything was effortless and easy. Such a green and sparkling place. It was fun to see JE on the road ahead of me, panniers on and everything. I think we may need to go touring together. He would probably love it.

We rode to Manhattan Beach pier, where we picnicked on homemade sandwiches and watched the tourists. Then headed back. We made it back to the car just at dark.

Roscoe's for dinner. Not so in love with that little ball of fatty-happiness, but I do love their greens and corn bread.

Nice to have a surprise adventure with my Honey.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 298: Blubber

Amanda E. went whale watching and posted some amazing photos of her trip. I did that a couple springs ago. We say a Superpod of dolphins and a bunch of other amazing things, including fin whales. So cool. That was before our trip to Korea, my tour and this, the deadest summer of them all.

I'm simply itching for an adventure, so ignore my melancholy. Hate it when I get like this.

Partially, I blame bad sleep, which I shall blame on bad chicken. Perhaps a touch of food poisoning in the night? Three AM and life wasn't happy, nor was it for the next 3 hours. When the alarm went off at 7, I felt like I had just barely fallen asleep.

As if to prove it could be blamed on the chicken, I ate the remaining portion of last night's dinner and discovered the exact same results. Should have listened to myself.

Drove with JE to work and went running up the trail, near there. About 3/4 a mile in, my right calf balled up so tight I had a tough time walking back. I debated continuing to run on it in an effort to get it to release, but that only proved more painful. So, my 4 mile run turned into a shortened walk. I did sweat a little.

And tonight's swim was also waylaid by a head-achy spouse. Tomorrow. In the mean time, I feel myself getting fat...

Day 297: Rest Day

California has tiny pockets of cool streams, fern grottoes and treed valleys. Temescal canyon in Malibu is one of those beautiful places to fid shade on a warm summer day. We left the house late and picked up BC in Manhattan Beach them headed up the PCH. It's only about a mile and a half up the dusty trail to the falls.

We ran part way up, enjoying the quiet and birds. Everything glittered green with sun light cast through a ceiling of chandelier leaves. The water sparkled with multifaceted tones.

JE just told me he thought the waterfall sounded like a hose. A garden hose. Funny. Though the water was not terribly big, the sound was sweet and gentle. There was a little unexpected pool at the base of the falls, it was quite lovely.

As the sun was setting, we all drove up to Malibu to a little place called Cafe Havana. We sat on the patio, and BC's friend was our sweet server. It's a neat place, with great ambiance and good food. The carne asada was excellent. I don't think I'd order the lemon chicken again, it was good but a little dry.

I think I'm starting work this week, but not sure. I'll plan my week for training after I know more, Tuesday.

Monday:am sets, run 4 miles recovery
Pm: swim
Dinner: Spaghetti with browned butter and cheese. Salad

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 296: Adrift

Woke early and swam 2,600 yards on an empty stomach. I had set my goal as 60 laps, but realized that 50 laps in the long pool was equal to my goal. I was so hungry by the time I finished.

feeling very gypsy right now, need some roving. Discovering my plans for fall fell through isn't a good thing. My anchor is pulled.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 295:

Rode 25 miles around the back bay.
Taking the night off to be with my sweetpie.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 294: Cool, Clear Water

There is something to be said for crisp, cool water on a summer's day. It is just so dang refreshing. We are made up of so much water, something like 80%, so drinking enough water to replenish our bodies is important. When I work out, I sweat. I do not pretend to do anything "lady-like" like glisten, or mist. I pour and drip, my face turns deep shades of magenta. Not pretty. All that sweat is water and all that water needs to be replaced. But apparently, not just by water. We are also made of salt and electrolytes that deplete when we sweat. Drinking all that cool, clear water is a good idea, but apparently not enough to replenish our electrolytes.

The past couple days, I have been upping my intake of electrolyte loaded water, clear water, too. I'm noticing a huge difference in how I feel. So much better, no more passing out. Thank goodness. I think I will put off the CT scan unless it happens again. I think it's not worth the risk of all that radiation.

Tonight, JE and I ran our longest run yet--8 miles. Starting out, I have a tendency to try to run faster, but repeatedly had to slow myself down. Slow and steady only wins in the long races. I can do slow and steady.

As we were running, JE told me he though I would be an excellent long distance runner. He was referring to my ability to speed up during the last half of my run. It baffles him that I still have exponential energy. I wish I could get past my "oh, I need to walk for the next minute or so." I try to limit that.

And by the way, it's just me in here.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 293: Amendments

Yesterday, I wrote that I don't like paying for ambiance. I think I lied. I know I lied. There have been a load of places in my life which have been amazing places to be, and I have paid a lot of money to be there. But, that said, I don't love spending money on CONTRIVED ambiance, places that are anything but original. The El Torito in Laguna Hills looks and feels exactly like the El Torito in Long Beach. Sorry to say it, but the problem with big feed-holes like that is that they lack the pride of ownership, everyone working there is an hourly employee, which is fine, except that there is a standard of service and quality that gets lost.

Nuff said.

Doctor's appointment: lots of questions and repeat questions (three times she asked about vomiting, sniffles, diarrhea and neck pain) blood work, EKG (never had that before), urine dipstick. All clean and clear. Waiting for one more result, the scary one: hCG. Let it be known, while this is something I'd love, I am happy with my life, as is...

Nuff said.

Picked up some work today. Apparently the woman who asked me to work at UCI this fall, forgot and hired someone else. Our mutual friend--who is an exquisite tailor. So, my whole fall just opened up, frustrating.

Nuff said.

This evening, I "picked up" JE from work and we rode the Back Bay loop and then back to the car (about 35 miles for me). It was a beautiful evening. As we rode, we saw a coyote, just feet from us. She paced back adn forth, waiting for the foot traffic and bikes to clear out, then darted across the road and down into the river gorge. A man was talking about how much he hates them because they eat cats, and he likes cats. So do coyotes, keep cats inside...

Nuff said. (boy, I'm on one, tonight)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 292: Better

Systematically, I began drinking more water, augmented with coconut water and milk. All day, I tried to balance my meals, proteins and veg, Vitamins, milks, fruits and noodles. I laid low and by this evening felt a load better. My muscles were jonesing for some exercise.

A good friend of mine called and asked if we would meet her for dinner. She has been out of the country for a while and needed Taco Tuesday. We met her at El Torito. Their pico de gallo is awesome right now. I shouldn't be surprised, we are in the heart of tomato season. The Laguna Hills mall El Torito has fresh made tortillas cooking on a grill right there in front of you. Awesome. The only thing worth eating there... Sorry, but can over priced fare really beat a good food truck? I don't like to pay for ambiance. A good food truck on a sunset lit street in Santa Ana on a weekend, with all the people walking around in their best clothes on the way to backyard quinceañeras or fiesta de cumpleaños kicks gringo Mexican any day of the week. Rant over. We had a great time, it was fun to see Jeannie and the tacos were yummy (and only a buck each). Shutting up...

We waited a bit, sent shopping at Trader Joes and then hit the trail just as the sun was setting. The owls were out in mass tonight, I love their silent flight. It was a speed night, so every mile or so, we burst into 30 second sprints. I ran on my toes the whole way, I felt like a machine. When I got tired, I focused on the rhythm of my breath, walked a bit too. Over all it was a very good, strong run. So happy to be back.

Day 291:

Walking to my appointment, I was head to toe bundled. Tatiana Ivanovna led the way to the local hospital, a long cross shaped building made of wood plank. Had I been going by myself, I would have never known it was a hospital. We entered through a door which entered immediately into a long narrow hallway. The hall was lined with closed doors and single hanging incandescent light bulbs hung from the ceiling. Stray dogs wandered the floor, which was dark and slick wet from the tracked in snow. The paint, white on the upper half and a green (which makes me think of scrubs, separating curtains and liver-shaped vomit trays) on the lower half angled down the sloped hallway.

I followed Tatiana to a room, where she talked with a nurse. They had me go into another room, creamy white and sunlit, and lay on a bed. Sunlight through windows was such a unique and longed for experience in that Arctic winter world. Tatiana stood by me and chatted with me, then disappeared. She and a doctor returned and began asking me questions about my health.

I had been in Nar'yan Mar, Russia for a couple weeks and had become more and more ill. After a long series of questions, the doctor left me with a nurse who took my blood pressure (by hand--no fancy digital equipment), temperature with a glass thermometer, and my pulse with a stop watch. I was then escorted to a lab, a big room with several cold war era microscopes and beakers. On one wall was a large steaming device, into which a man in a white lab coat and hat was putting trays of test tubes. On the big sturdy tables that lined the room, were metal racks filled with blown glass test tubes, others with tall narrow test tubes. For the life of my, I cannot remember the device used to draw my blood. I just remember that it was certainly not a one time use needle. What I do remember is watching in shock and terror, and that they sealed the end of the tube with a cork (not kidding).

A few days later, the doctor called and told Tatiana that I was dehydrated and a touch anemic, otherwise, I was fine (just scared to eat or drink anything in Russia). Carefully, I ate more soup Tatiana's reindeer borscht, and tea. Eventually, I had more energy and could stand up without feeling like I wanted to sit right back down again.

This morning, I woke at 6:30 and went for my swim. There was little time, which was good because I had little energy. Later, I made an appointment to see my doctor.

This afternoon, as I was standing at the counter, drinking water, I blacked out. I really didn't want to go down again, so I grabbed the counter and held on for dear life. But all the blood had left my head, and my knees went weak. I went down, hitting my arm on the table as I went. Though I was never unconscious, I was shaky and woozy for hours afterward.

Needless to say, I missed my bike ride this arvo. I think I will continue to lie low until I get this thing figured out. Reality is that I just need to listen to this body of mine. And set some getting to bed earlier rules for myself...

Still writing, still loving it and figuring it all out. Had a good chat with Cori today! Love you, sister!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 290: Rest Day

Spent the most of the day with my sweet Gram. She had been so excited to go out and get out of her retirement village. When we arrived, we discovered that she hadn't been feeling well. She seems smaller somehow, more frail, though her vivaciousness prevails even in the face of adversity. She is a firecracker, an elegant, eloquent, multifaceted, firecracker. She is not a grandmother who speaks about her health. In fact, even at nearly 92, she hosts a welcome to the community dinner party every week and the only rule is that no one talks about their health problems. She gets so sick of hearing the complaints. But today, she spilled some beans about how she has been feeling. I do not wish to loose my gram. I love her dearly.

Personal goals for the week:
Take care of tailoring work for Peter Pan this week,
Work on my writing--every day a journal entry. Talk to Cori about incentives (I asked her to be my editor and motivator. I may need to send her $20 for each day of my trip and I only get it back if I complete each day within a time frame. I need deadlines and timelines. I work best when there is something threatening over my head.)
Get back down to see gram, Could be next Sunday.
Plan a trip up to see my folks and sisters.
Plan a little gathering for JE's bday, send invites
Work it all out in my running, Cycling and swimming.
Go see my doctor-Fainted this morning--probably just dehydration, but still scary.

Plan for the week.

Monday: Swim-Long
Dinner: Chinese Chicken Salad

Tuesday: Long Run-Recovery
PM: Nike fitness
Dinner: Lightweight fettuccine with chicken and salad

Wednesday: AM Bike-Long
PM: Swim-recovery
Dinner: Veggie burgers

Thursday: Run-Speed
Dinner: Green salad with almond crusted Salmon

Friday: Bike-Recovery
Dinner: Dinner and Game night with friends (menu to follow. Tacos maybe?)

Saturday: Run-Long
Dinner: Scrambled eggs with wilted spinach and kimchi over rice (missing Korea...)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 289: Summits

Took a rest day today. My calves are still screaming every time I move. That workout on Thursday must have been better than I thought at the time.

We dined with BC near Manhattan Beach at Sammy's wood-fired pizza. Not such a fan, our pizzas were cold and my salad warm and wilty--quite possibly because we had waited so long for it to come to the table. The service was bad, but the company was great. It's nice to have friends. On BC's advice, we drove over Palace Verde to see the moon shining on the water. Beautiful. It made me nostalgic for my bike tour.

Today is the one year anniversary of the conquering of my nemesis: Leggett Hill, a two thousand foot climb which had me sleepless and worried for months. A task which had grown to mammoth proportions in my mind, and caused me multiple nightmares. The night before I was to climb Leggett, I had a dream that the hill was a giant thumb sticking up out of the landscape with a road switchbacking to the top. In my dream, I nearly fell off my bike at the sight. When I looked back, the hill had become a soft serve ice-cream cone with the road spiraling to the top. The last time I looked at the hill in my dream, it had become a Mounds bar with the road smoothly going up and over. There was a load of relief in that dream.

The day that I set on my conquest, I set out alone. But a wrong turn and a bathroom break allowed my camp mate, Wendy, to catch me up, we climbed the hill together. Company always makes dreaded tasks more pleasant.

The road over Leggett was much more akin to the first vision on Leggett in my dream, long and filled with switchbacks. There was very little traffic on the road that morning, and the sun shone brilliantly through the trees. Climbing hills on a bike is not easy, but add a heavy touring bike and all my gear for camping, cooking, and food and water, and a tough job becomes exhausting. But simply by turning my pedals, cranking my sprockets, going even when it was hard, I continued moving forward and eventually get to the top.

I have to admit that summitting was wholly uneventful. It was not marked and there was no view. It wasn't until I was rolling downhill that I recognized my accomplishment. It had been a lovely hill, cool in the shade and full of interesting things to see. And in the end, Leggett, my nemesis, was only a big hill.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 288: Lunch

This Morning came so early. Truth be known, we have been watching Lost (the TV show) on Netflix for a few months now. We have been trying to kill it, and haven't been able to tear ourselves away. Not because we love it, but because we are curious people. Cheap entertainment. We don't watch every night, but when we do we watch several episodes at a time. This does not allow for early night nor early mornings. Tonight, we killed it. I am barely standing after 4 hours sleep last night and a 40+ mile bike ride today.

My ride was pleasant in the cool cloudy weather, this morning. I cycled to Huntington Beach and had lunch with a Meet Up group--a group of women who have lunch in local restaurants once a month. I met some amazing people. It was surprisingly fun. Stacy, who runs a business as a life and business coach for women; we had so much common experience. Zeina, a sweet woman originally from Jordan, who lived in Australia for 5 years. And Molly, a sweet girl going into her senior year of high school.

Realization for the day. I am so blessed to be loved and to have a people to love. We are all capable of this, but sometimes we forget. Human touch is a beautiful thing. I love my life.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 287: Man Boobs

Conversation with JE at the beginning of our run:
JE: I can feel my man-boob jiggle
Me: are you kidding? You don't even have boobs! You have pecks!
JE: I have boobs, they are at the end of my pecks
Me: (laughing so hard I had to stop) Holy Cow!!!

We ran 5 miles, at an easy pace. Set up some zones on our familiar trail: the lava bed--about a one mile stretch where we have to run on our toes at a decent pace so our shoes don't melt; the death-car zone--where we race traffic to other end of a bridge; and the velociraptor zone--a 1/4 mile heavily treed area where those sucker like to hide, so sprinting is absolutely necessary. It makes running interesting and kind of fun... Ran the bulk of my run on my toes, today. My calves are killing!

Southern California never sees rain in the summer, maybe a mist from heavy fog that leaves everything moist, but not rain. This morning we woke up to rain--turn on the wipers kind of rain. My swim was delayed as I took care of some business, setting up my work for this coming season. When I did go, it was cool and cloudy. No one was at the pool. I swam my 2050 yards. I set a goal to swim consistent, slow, and each 50 yard lap under a minute. The last set of laps was killer, but I picked up my pace again after a small rest. I swam 41 laps in 41 minutes 26 seconds. Not too shabby for a recovery swim!

When I left the pool, it was still cloudy and there was still no one at the pool. After I had showered, I looked outside. It was sunny and beautiful and several families were at the pool. Thanks for the swim!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 286:

I spent the afternoon physically at Crystal Cove, but was riding between Gold Beach and Brookings Oregon most of the afternoon. Such a cool thing to have emblazened in my mind. Better than CG. I have a lot of work to do, right now I am fleshing out a skeleton. I stopped publishing on my blog, feeling like I am publishing my manuscript. An uneasy feeling, particularly with so much work still to do on it.

Raced this morning, around the back bay on my bike. Speed intervals. 24.5 miles. Did OK, never made it to sustain my goal of 20mph. A year ago, that was no problem.

No swimming tonight. There are just too many people in my pool and the tide is really big and cold right now--too much wind blowing up big waves. Hoping to swim early tomorrow, and a good run tomorrow evening. Huge Chinese Chicken Salads for dinner tomorrow.

Fell in love with Korean "Premium Corn Snack" by PopVillage. Super yummy! Great crunch, a tiny bit of sugar (6 grams per serving), low low fat and 5 grams of protein in each serving. Another great thing about it: it does not leave your hands greasy--the ingredients are white corn and sugar. Great for sitting on the beach and writing.

Day 285:

Another day to learn that eating half a tray of rice crispy treats does not produce good energy for a run. 4 Miles, with 4 speed intervals. It wasn't far but felt further than the 7 miles I did the other day.

It was also a day to relearn that I do so much better not trying to work at home. Geesh! Some days it feels like I have very limited self control or focus. Today was one of those.

Dinner was rocking! Steamed veg, rice and chicken.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 284: Preoccupied

Tired tonight, I earned my sleep/food/laze.

My day started out rocky. After the first 5 miles of cycling, I swung by a store to pick up a couple things. I locked my bike up and went inside. When I came out, I realized that I was not the last person to put my lock in my underseat bag. The key was nowhere to be found. I called JE and he apologized and picked me up. I dropped him off and drove home to search for the key. It was 11:30 before I picked up the bike, then hunger hit, so I picked up lunch at Chipotle. Not so rocky after all. It just set my time to be doing other things I needed to be doing off.

Cycled down the the BackBay, up to Huntington Beach and back down to the ferry. 47 miles in all. Met JE at UCI. We drove home and while he made rice crispy treats, I continued my writing journey.

Swimming tonight: I beat my previous distance record. In honesty, I don't know how many laps I swam, somewhere between 70 and 78. Officially I am claiming 72, which puts me at 2880 yards or 1.64 miles. Those last 8 or so laps were really hard. I think I counted lap 63 about 3 times, my brain was wandering all over south western Oregon. Writing in my thoughts...

Met a friend as I began my ride. Jim from the ending day of my cycle tour. He just bought a new Surly touring bike and can't wait to go on a tour. At the pool, met another friend. Ben from church. He is training for a tri in August. Sprint distance. Thought about doing it, and still might, but hoping to be somewhere else: like the Subway!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 283: rest day

I am a woman consumed. When JE asks what I am thinking about, I suddenly realize that I have been writing, in my head, for hours. It does not count when it isn't out of my head. Need to learn to do better at that. Then again, there are processes to everything.

This morning my legs felt terrible. JE started to massage them and then went into the kitchen and grabbed my giant rolling pin. That was an awesome massage!

After church--headache. Napping was no good, I laid there with my eyes shut mulling over the events of a year ago.

Plan for the week.

Monday: Giant Swim in the morning (my pool was closed last week, hope it is open tomorrow or I'll have to go to the public pool)
Dinner: Chicken with pesto over noodles and cucumber salad

Tuesday: Long Run-7 miles
PM: Nike fitness

Wednesday: AM Bike-speed
PM: Swim-recovery

Thursday: Run-Speed

Friday: Bike-Recovery

Saturday: Run-Recovery
Just got super dizzy. Need sleep.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 282: Beautiful day in the neighborhood

JE went to band practice at his work. I left there and rode down the backbay trail to PCH where I landed on a bench overlooking the Great Pacific at Crystal Cove State Park. I think it was around 21 miles, not really sure. My bike computer battery died. Last I looked at my odometer, I was around 7,400 miles--on my bike.

JE came to me, bringing salad and sourdough from Boudin. It was a perfect lunch/dinner. We hauled our backpack beach chairs down to the beach and had to walk a bit to find a space to set up. The past few times we have gone to the beach on a Saturday, we were so crowded with people we could barely move. Today, the incoming tide was so high there was hardly a beach to sit on! We walked until we found a tiny patch of dry sand in the protection of a large rock just at the break. As we were setting up our chairs, the surf came in, sloshing over our feet. It was a fun place to be, the cliff behind us with a large shrub protecting us from any falling rocks, and the waves coming to shore in a large tubular wall. The tide crested at 4:13, about half an hour after we got there. Each time the surf came up high, sand fleas crawled out of the sand and bounced over out toes and ankles. A few times the water came up high enough that we worried our bums would get wet; we were laughing so hard about that. The best part was, we had the whole beach to ourselves--all 10 square feet of it!

JE and I came home and changed into warmer clothes. The Orange County Great Park had an Anniversary Celebration. We parked the car in a nearby neighborhood and biked into the park (later, the park was a parking lot and we zoomed by on our bikes avoiding the chaos--SWEET). We watched some of the airshow--biplanes doing loop-de-loops and free falling (CRAZY!!!). There were fireworks tonight. (I finally got my fireworks! I'm afraid the most patriotic thing we did on Independence day was export the British. Just kidding... Sort of... We took our friend from the UK to LAX to catch a flight back home.)

The fireworks show was really fun. They were so close! And the music was super fun, too. Generally, I don't love 80's music. But these were all the favorites from my rollerskating days: Tears for Fears--everybody wants to rule the world, The Bangles--walk like an Egyptian, Toni Basil--Micky, and my favorite: Prince--Purple rain to which they choreographed a spangle of glittery falling purple fire-fountains raining from the sky. The crowd loved it. There were so many families with loads of kids and over the crackle of the fireworks display you could hear the kids genuinely oohing and ahhing. It was sweet.

Yogurtland for dinner. Someday, someday soon, I will plan our meals again and live by it. Not working requires a lot of work in other ways. Less than a month until I am back at my tailoring gigs!

Day 281: Reblogging

My brain is fried. Between baking and writing and editing and bad sleep, I am toasted.

I did however get a lot done and am feeling happy about that.
This evening, we were going to run on the beach, but I forgot my running shoes. We ran anyway--barefoot through the sand! Lovely! Great work out for ankles and feet. Three miles, plus.

Tonight, we partied with friends--guitar hero.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 280: Speed

I had a great bike workout this morning, and increased my speed average just a bit. I worked on keeping my speed at 15 mph for 5 miles, 16 for the next 5. The onshore flow was stiff, so that 16 mph was hard earned. On the way back I maintained an 18 mph for 5 miles and really had to work to achieve 19. My clothes were soaked by the end of my 24 miles.

Afterward I went down to the beach and worked on my project. By the end of the day, my legs were burnt a bit. I hardly remember being in the sun, so I must have been completely focused on what I was doing. I love this. Writing right now isn't exactly easy, but when it flows, it really flows. Right now things feel like a travel log. Maybe I will do some tweaking and tell the real story for myself, lay it all out on paper and have a gander. I think at this point it would all be very anticlimactic, nothing really came of all that stuff. Just me, pheonixed.

Tonight, we shared the pool with several families. There were a few kids without their parents with them. One girl (Victoria), and I had several races, her with her flippers on, and me with my figure 8 floaty between my thighs. I won each time, and finally told her about needing to breath--she was an underwater swimmer. She grabber her snorkel and won the next race. It was fun to talk to her. She felt like one of my sisters at age 12.

Because there were so many families in the pool, we cut it a bit short. Only 32 laps--1280 yards. But I got some great fast swimming done!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 279: Apps

This morning, I experimented with a new app for my phone that will enable me to journal on the go a little easier and keep things organized. My goal is to be able to write at the beach, or road trip. This project has me tuned in and focused, but that requires a lot of time in front of the computer, which is hard on my back.

After several hours writing today, I got a text from JE asking me to meet him at the trail for another run. When I got to the parking lot, he put his bike on the car and off we went. There were a lot of people out running and enjoying the evening. After my goal of 3.25 miles one way, I was feeling pretty good, so I kept running. We got to 3.61 miles then turned around. The last mile, I could feel my hamstrings, calves and gluts burning. By the time we got to the car, I felt wobbly and stiff. Tomorrow may be a really sore day.

I'll swim and bike tomorrow. This week's schedule is pretty soft.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 278:

Fear is a funny thing. If it is kept inside our heads, it can turn into something so much bigger than anything rational. I think that is why I write so often about my fears. These fears that are inside me are fished out with a grappling hook, and then dissected. As each fear is laid on the table for examination, the hard, impenetrable ball that is fear, begins to loosen and slacken. Talking about them puts them under a microscope where they dissolve before my eyes.

I know that on my week plan I said today was a long run. Well, I lied. I knew as I wrote it that today needed to be a long bike day. 52 miles up the coast at an average speed of 13 miles per hour. Some would say this is Junk Miles, I don't really care. I loved my ride today.

When I got home, I started to work on a project I have been thinking about for a while. When I work like that, I get so engrossed that I loose track of time and bodily needs. Eventually I had to eat a bit of something.

Tonight, I picked JE up at the trail head. He was coming back from work on his bike. We parked the car in a nearby parking lot and ran to a local park. At the park, we worked out to a Nike fitness club, sweating profusely. Fun. The run back to the car was really tough, I had no sugar in my blood and kept crashing.

Page 277: light in the trees

When I was in college, there were enormous willow trees across campus. At the end of one long semester, I laid down under one of those trees. The breeze caught all those long slender leaves and caused them to dance; twinkling and shimmering with light. The color and translucence of them has always remained with me.

Today, we went for a swim in the Great Pacific. We swam past the break, sporting our huge snorkeling flippers and then paralleled the coast for roughly twenty minutes. JE began to get seasick just as we were finishing and ended up loosing part of his lunch in the ocean. Poor guy; but his only option was to keep on swimming.

In honesty, it was a bit unnerving to swim, head down, eyes wide open in my goggles, over huge beds of kelp and sea grass. I think, perhaps, it is an inherent fear that prevails at such times; and that most of us are afraid of seaweed. There is a fear of the unknown and unseen. As I swam, the sun shone through the partially clear water onto the beds of seaweed, lighting it and making it shine transparently. I spotted several small stingray as well as two that were about a yard across--gliding gently through the water. A small leopard shark swam beneath me and I saw several schools of fish, barely seen as their color matched the sand perfectly.

As I was swimming to shore, I marveled about my fear--that I am so afraid of assumed dangers that may be around me, but also so afraid that I could miss the wonderful things by not looking. It is a good analogy for my outlook on life. May as well live it well, and watch for the amazing things. There is far more to have appreciation for, than to fear.

Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my bike tour. I think I will add my personal journal and some stories from my experience on my blog--not sure if that will be here or on the original.

Plan for the week:

Tuesday: AM: Run--long 6.5 miles
PM: Swim Long 2500 yds
Dinner: Baked eggs with Swiss chard and good bread

Wednesday: AM: weight sets/Nike training
PM: Bike--recovery--easy does it

Thursday: Run--recovery 5 miles
PM: Swim--speed--48 laps, every 4 intervals

Friday AM: Yoga
PM: Bike--Long

Saturday: AM Run--speed work 5 miles

I'll finish this tomorrow, my head is spinning. Sleep used to be one of my best talents. It seems to have departed. Last night was much the same as the previous; laid in bed until 4:30. Except I woke at 6:30 fully alert and unable to get back to sleep. Sucks...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 276: Rest Day

My day got started very very late. Last night's blog had me up and thinking until around 4am. Too much thinking. Around 1 pm, I rolled out of bed, groggy and ready for more sleep. But the heat persevered and sent us down the hill to the beach.

Crystal Cove state Beach has a hefty price tag for visitors. Fifteen dollars for a day use permit. We generally, buy an annual pass and make sure we use it frequently. Today's crowd would make one wonder how California is in the hole financially. The beach was run amok with tourists and visitors. Even though it was cold and overcast at the beach!

As we sat, looking out at the waves, our friend BC called and invited us up to the LA Guitar Festival. We hurried home and showered and got ready for a night out. That was pretty cool, though I will admit that the headliner, Jimmy Ray Vaugn seemed to drag on with his 2 note songs--don't get me wrong, his rhythms and bluesy beat had me dancing in my seat.

The first few acts were great. Dick Dale--self appointed king of surf guitar, was there, shredding eardrums with his son, Jimmy. LOUD!!! But really fun!

Dinner was awesome at the Kettle. I ordered a two cheese quesodilla with blackened chicken. Next time, I need to remember that I don't love gooey cheese or blackened chicken. My excuse? I was hungry and it looked good.

Plan for the week? I'll do it later today--it is already 3am

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 275: Boot Camp

Eleven hours, that is how long I slept last night. Geesh! I guess I needed it.

First thing out of the box was an amazing swim. The sky was bright and beautiful with winds sweeping up the coast from Mexico. Lovely and warm all day--hot, actually. My mind was full of some very powerful thoughts as I crawled through the water. There are things I need to fix in my life, things that need more attention and care than I currently give them. There is a quote I love accredited to Albert Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Life keeps moving, and change is not only a necessary part of it, but there is joy in accomplishing. Goals are dreams with a plan. I'm still dreaming at the present, and planning...

Another quote I like is: "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving." A. Einstein. But sometimes all I want to do is find myself in a hammock on a beautiful beach someplace. Forward takes work.

This evening, JE and I faced the congested traffic in Laguna Canyon and drove down to Crystal Cove. We changed into our running gear at the new Morro Bay day use facility. What a beautifully planned park! Nice work, Cali State Beach Dept! We ran along the beach--on the sand. It was so fun. We were both literally dripping sweat (or condensation?). The beach in front of the Rum-Runners Cottages was absolutely teeming with people. We played Boot Camp--using the tourists and their purposefully dug holes as our obstacle course. It got a little crazy when we started hurdling over small children. Just kidding... 6.6 miles of long beautiful beach.

My legs feel like I just did some major training! Holy cow, I'll have to do that again, soon!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 274: Baked

Baked this morning, for a client. Tiny strawberry tarts topped with whipped cream and tiny apple pies. They were beautiful, but I forgot to take a picture.

This afternoon was hot and windy. I was already feeling a bit lethargic from a pain med (pulled a muscle in my shoulder/neck), and the heat zonkered any strength I had left. But I cycled 22 miles, slowly, but surely. Skipped my swim with the hopes that a day off head turning will help heal whatever it is I did to my neck. It is already better than yesterday.

I think I'm going to crash now. So tired!