The dawn of the new millenium found me newly married and up Hobble Creek in a cabin. It was just JE and I for new year's eve. We made potstickers by th dozen. We watched movies, played games and at one point listened to a crackling news broadcast on the radio. We were tuned in to a new year's celebration in Asia, talking about the dancing on the streets and about the unnecessary fright of Y2K.
The first day of the year 2000, we invited our good friends, Cori and Dave to the cabin. They brought their baby, Chloe, and we played games until the evening. When we were packing for the cabin, we packed food for two for 24 hours. The one thing we hadn't eaten that second night up there was a single tiny Cornish hen someone had given me as a white elephant gift at work, 3 small red potatoes and a few potstickers. We shared that tiny bird 5 ways. It was enough. It was the beginning of our family tradition of sharing one tiny single Cornish hen with whomever we share our new year's eve and new year's day with.
This year we are with our dear friends, the Hayes. We brouht over our wii and Mario. We just share potstickers and have a small hen to go in the oven soon.
It has been a year of remarkable events. Life changing. I have had some considerable accomplishments and as well as having a few of the greatest challenges of my life to deal with. But I get to choose where I live emotionally. I want to greet this new year with wide open eyes, arms and smile, running.
From Iris's iPhone