For a few years, my dad has had a lot of pain in his left hip. X-rays proved that the cartilage was badly worn down and even non-existent in some places. He was walking with bone on bone in his hip, very painful. Getting up to a standing position became almost intolerable. Doctors had told him that most people in his circumstances would be in a wheel chair. He used a cane (or two) and occasionally a walker. Wednesday he had hip replacement surgery. He is doing fine, in a lot of pain, but working through it. He is still in the hospital, but is hoping to get out Monday or Tuesday. Dad has an awesome attitude, and that is what will get him through it.
For Christmas, he wants books. I'm hoping that this recuperation process surprises him and allows him back on his feet quick, with more mobility and ability to do somethings he has been missing out on. He wants a bike. I may have to see what I can find on Craigslist...
This is a good example to me of how precious my health is. I only have one body, what I choose for it now, will be magnified in the future. It's just been within the past year that I've come to realize how precious my health is.
Earlier this year, I lost my body for a while due to some weirdo health issues. After a few months, I set off on my cycle tour and reclaimed my health. Remember in Better Off Dead, when Monique tells Lane how to ski the K-12? "All you've got to do is ski that way, really fast, if something gets in your way, turn." This is how my life feels right now. I'm dodging, I'm darting, I have one ski at times, but I am always in motion; skiing that way really fast, and turning when things get in my way.
We ran in a fog this morning, while off the horizon showed a brilliant pink underbelly of cloud. I love these winter mornings in California. When we were in Utah, I picked up a pair of Nike shoes with the pod that measures my work out. I've been wearing them the last couple runs, but somehow accidentally pause it after only a mile or so, when I pull it out to see how we are doing. Lame, I'll figure it out. I figured out a goal: right now we are running about 10-11 minute miles. Since I am stuck in the land of 3 miles until into February with work, I am going to see about reducing my time to do those 3 miles. Also, Jan 8 Kaiser in Irvine is hosting a 5K. I think we are entering it... Fun! Or at least, interesting...
Tomorrow, Cycling and swimming. Looking forward to my swim.
Okay, I recognize how lame and anticlimactic yesterday's post was. Sorry. I had a bit of a rough day yesterday. Basically, I was just off my game, woke up on the wrong side of the bed, in a stew, etc... I really need to figure out how to get to bed earlier ( I still don't understand how has time to just chill and relax--watch TV or movies, read...) This week has been a flurry, and any unexpected twist were almost too much to deal with. But I dealt, and enjoyed it.
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