Gram called, excited about an article she had read about the Old Globe Theater in San Diego and their costume display. She loves the arts. During the Great Depression, she went to Boston to study Dress Design and pattern making. Everyday she and her friend walked to a soda fountain and got a sandwich and a Coke. Her father owned a company and was able to keep people employed making wire.
She is doing much better since her fall and has been able to join back into her social scene. She walked down to the Lake today for an art class.
Steph on the other hand, has had some severe pain in her leg. She went in for her radiation treatment and was hospitalized to control the pain. Pray for her, pray for her sweet family. She just needs to get through this pain so she can be treated for the thing that is making the pain.
JE researched an Olympic size pool. We swam there this morning before work. It was interesting. The lanes are turned sideways, making more lap lanes. As it is, it's only about 5 yards longer than the pool I've been swimming, It was tough. Those few extra yards--I have to remember what DA said about swimming monotonously while I'm out there. It's just so dang monotonous! With Cycling and Running, there is so much outside stimulus, lots of things to see and hear and be aware of. With swimming, there is: is my stroke quick enough? is my butt floating? is my kicking effective? ooh lookie, a bandaid... my arms are on fire.
Leonid Meteor showers are tonight through Sunday. 2 hours before dawn is the best time to see them.
So sad for Steph! We will pray for her . Keep up the posting. You are amazing!