A friend was making fun of NYC girls who wear the girl-uniform of a velor warm-up suit. He finds them completely uninteresting and boring. I, on the other hand, would almost give up a digit to own one that was long enough not to just look silly. It arrived in the mail today, and I still have all my fingers and toes. For me, it is an uncommon luxury. Girl clothes that fit! LongTallSally.com.
As I was leaving Russia, with my two suitcases filled with a goodly portion of my earthly possession, I met a woman who checked one of my bags as if it were her own, thereby allowing me to avoid a heady service charge. She was going on a three month holiday to Georgia and had all of her necessities in a bag much smaller than most girl's purses. I have since then learned to pack small. My bike trip was a good example of what is really necessary vs the fluff. Packing more than a backpack is a tough thing for my pride.
I'm as baffled about what to pack for the next few days of freezing cold and snowy Utah, as I have been about writing this snippet all evening. Do I take the new leisure wear? What shoes? Do I take my running shoes-which are sopping wet still from our morning run (cold and MUDDY! but fun--still hard). I am taking my swim suit and goggles--I WILL find somewhere to swim. All these layers add up, and when I start thinking about changes of clothes for different activities, the fasionista in me, and being warm--nothing seems to coincide! Ack! In the end, perhaps it is, "Leave the gun, take the cannoli..."
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