Most women in Nar'yan Mar don't cover their faces in the winter. Their cheeks glow red under fur caps and scarves. They rely on each other to look into each others faces and to warn if the skin on noses or cheeks turn white with frost. Skin can freeze without much notice if it has already been damaged by frost. One morning while on my way to teach, I was about to pass a woman whose cheek was spotted with one dime size white patch. I barely speak Russian, but was able to sign to her by rubbing my own cheek, that she had a problem.
This morning we ran on the Boneville shoreline trail. It was a very cold morning and the sky and lake were brilliant pink. I think I may have frozen my lungs. Or stretched them in uncomfortable ways. Apparently, most of our lungs look like deflated bags hanging in our chests. We only use a all portion of them. When we run or exert energy (or go up several thousand feet in elevation?) which causes us to need more breath, our lungs expand. Today, my lungs stayed burning and clear for hours after. Youch.
Things I'm greatful for:
chocolate covered cinammon bears
impromptu chocolate tastings at Harmons with Matt and April
dinner with Stephanie and Tom and our amazing nieces and nephews (she is doing awesome)
family photos
the Bloch exhibit (awesome)
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