Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 82: Temptation

Why is it so tempting to open up JE's presents and just give them to him? Or tell him what I'm making for him? I cannot hold a secret from the man. This morning as we opened our door to go for our watery run, there were two packages on our doorstep. One from my sister, the other from an order I placed a few days ago. I am giddy with anticipation.

The greenbelt around the pool and clubhouse was filled with water, and all the sidewalks were completely flooded. We ran through the gentle sprinkle, through pooling water, and crossed gutters shooting water out of car wheels. At our midway point we altered our course to go see what the local creek was doing.

The creek, which is normally a quiet little stream, was white with rapids in places. Debris lined the banks a couple feet further up. There were eddies in the foxholes. It was a fun morning to be out in it.

After our run, we warmed up with Korean breakfast= sticky white rice, scrambled eggs cooked in sesame oil, wilted spinach with sesame, and kimchi. It's a one dish sort of thing, but not mixed together. I need to figure out why mine is so much more bland than the stuff I ate every morning in Korea.

I spent the bulk of the day making a shirt for JE for Christmas. Hope he likes it, and I hope it doesn't look too much like a pajama top.

Tonight there is a promise of an even larger rain storm, complete with waterspouts and mini tornadoes in places. When we got home from some errands, the wind was gusting, flicking rain hard in our faces. We changed into swimwear and walked up the hill to the pool, huddling in bathrobes and hats. I swam like I was on an important errand. Interesting to me, I got really winded the first couple laps, and wanted to slow down. Running, I do the same thing, but I know if I just keep going, I'm good. The same thing happened tonight. I told myself it would get easier if I just kept going, and it did! 15 laps later--that's 600 yards plus 320 warm-up/cool-down yards. I rocked it! It was really tempting to make excuses tonight. But I am so glad I found my one reason--You! Thank you for reading. You inspire me!


  1. I have the same problem with gifts. The second I find something for someone, I want them to have it. It's torture to wait.

    The rain sounds crazy in your area! We keep hearing about it on the news, and via other Californians on Facebook. I hope you stay safe.

  2. Thanks, Aimee. It is so crazy that it's lasted this long! 7 days straight! I think people are turning to God and seeking redemption!
    We are fortunate to live in an established area with really good drainage (cross your fingers). It was cool this morning to wake up and look out at the lights shining across the pool. The sidewalk around the pool was only separated from the pool by a tiny ridge. My pool over floweth!
