Friend Swantje (Svanteeya) has a house near the Backbay. While she is away, she has asked that I tend her little garden in the back of the house and pick her pole beans. I cycled there this morning and spent some time on her garden swing. She is one of my favorite people of all time. When her garden is producing, she disappears into her garden and comes back with a handful of this or that and throws it all together. She has a knack for food. My favorite are her pickled beets.
The marine layer was low and cool as I headed toward the Newport Backbay and then up to Huntington Beach boardwalk. Even though my cycling jersey and bike are all red, pedestrians seem to get confused and not see me. So many times today, I had to shout out to people as they stepped in front of me--facing my direction. Vacation brain=nothing bad can happen to me because I am on vacation! The worst was a skateboarder who was looking straight through me and seemed to be hypnotized by my clanging bike bell. It wasn't until I was within 10 feet of him, shouting 'Heads Up!' that he jumped off his board, flipping it up to catch it. He missed the catch and bailed it in the middle of my path. Me, screeching my breaks, swearing my best good-girl swear--'Sheeesh!' His friend totally mocked me for that one. Can't say I blame him...
Lots of observations and people watching. Huntington Beach is great for that. There are some strange people in our world! Summer brings it all to the beach. I forget how crowded the boardwalk can be in summer and holidays.
Tonight, dinner: Chicken sausages, but I also found beretta in the market and bought some tomatoes and crusty bread. Just add basil from my "garden" and good olive oil. Caprese is one of my favorite things in the entire world. I also picked up some beautiful peaches and made a peach pie--JE's favorite. I have to admit, it was an experimental crust--100% whole wheat pastry flour. It was OK, not quite marketable, but tasty.
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