Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 243: Burnt

When making caramel, it is important that the high ratio of sugar to water becomes a clear liquid before it is allowed to come to a boil. This ensures the sugar crystals have dissolved and will not become grainy in the cooled liquid. Once the sugar dissolves, boil it until the liquid starts to change color. Slide on and off the heat to allow the color to change slowly (it goes quite rapidly, otherwise and will scorch and become unusable in no time flat). Keep it going until you achieve a deep golden amber, then remove it from the heat and get it out of the pan quickly to use in your recipe.

Almost every good thing comes at a cost, whether that cost is time, commitment, work or whatever. For about 9 months I have been training my body to go faster, longer, better and harder. Recently, I did some self analysis and discovered some areas I need to improve. Rearranging my focus, I plan on building my training program to make me stronger, thereby making me faster. My schedule is to run everyday, and I added more weights to the mix. I wanted to wake each morning with salutations to the sun, but it is too much, too soon and I feel toppled like one of my rock stacks. I feel nigh unto burn out. Yoga is about balance, and I am out of balance right now.

Slide me off the heat for a little while and I will be fine. I have decided to allow myself a little time before my next event--in September. I'd like to see what I can achieve between now and then as far as my goals go. I have a good sturdy base, I want to build speed into that base and I have a plan to do that. I will regain my yoga, but not as a daily event, not right now. I just need to feel joy in training, again.

Ran my 4 miles today, light and easy, down at Crystal cove. It was an amazing night with a high surf. Some waves reached the treeline. For dinner, I made fresh green enchilada sauce from tomatillos and pasilla chiles, and cooked the chicken in it, and served it on whole wheat tortillas with guacamole and corn chips. We ate it at the beach, overlooking the Great Pacific from a picnic on the edge of a bluff.

I sort of failed my swim, tonight. I'll swim tomorrow, maybe. Sliding off the heat...

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