Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 242: the Chase

Somehow I forgot to set my alarm. I woke at five. Far too early to
actually get out of bed, not when sleep came so reluctantly last
night. When I woke the second time, it was closer to eight than I
would have liked. I got dressed quickly and headed to the bakery,
feeling tired and grumpy that I had missed my first day of sun

At the bakery, I learned that it is actually only the 31st of May.
Tomorrow is my really first day.

I'm not feeling terribly committed to much right now. The baker who
owns the place does not have a terribly high standard for his products
and was telling me that I should use mixes instead of all scratch and

Did you know that you cam buy Danishes that are defrost and bake
things made with hydrogenated oils? Most butter-cream frosting comes in
5 gallon buckets? As do cherry filling, apple filling, chocolate
filling and even custards. All preprocessed in some factory somewhere.

We have all become so used to buying cheap food that we don't question
where it comes from or what is in it. At least most of the general

When someone does something extraordinary, and marketable it goes on
the map. When that something has to do with food, people hold onto
that map and seek out that thing. I call it destination dining. I have
driven 45 miles (and beyond) for dinner on the recommendation of a
friend or magazine.

That's what I want my bakery to be. But for now, I'm learning about
what I want and some things about marketing.

I'm feeling really physically drained this week. I ran 4 miles and did
my sprint intervals, increasing in speed at each interval. My
imagination runs a bit wild sometimes, so I try to convince myself
that I am being chased. The code word to start sprinting is

Weight training is fun, but sucks the next day...

Had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, the Kettle with friend BC.

From a tiny little handheld piece of technology with more power than
O'Hera would have known what to do with AKA iPhone

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