Nights have suddenly grown cold enough that the cat wants to sleep under the covers in the morning. He knows better than to wake me up during the night to beg his way under the duvet. Lately, I've been waking with Moncha, our twenty pound cat, curled in a snug ball at my feet. This still surprises me; how many times have inadvertently kicked him off the bed while he slept. Be careful, kitty...
JE is on his final count down. Three more days, one big push. In honesty, it has been a good thing that JE has been working so much lately. Dad likes to watch JE work and offers advice at each turn. If JE weren't the patient, kind man that he is... Tonight, while JE was changing the taillight on our car, dad was standing in the garage offering all sorts of advice. Finally, I rounded dad up the stairs and gave him the assignment of making us all tea. He forgot his assignment by the time he was at the top, but JE was back inside within five minutes, task complete. He just needed a bit of quiet. I'm not sure how this whole thing is going to shake down once I have a husband back in the house. This Thanksgiving weekend should be interesting.
In preparation, I've reclaimed part of our storage area in the tomb,the basementy part of the condo which sits behind the garage. It's an unfinished area, with floor joists for the ceiling, plumbing pipes though out, and ten feet of subfloor which runs into a dirt wall. I've never been so excited to have this space, but with a bit of work, some serious dejunking, a good rug and an air purifier, the giant beanbag chair will have a home again! And JE will have a little place to claim as his own again.
I'm also working on getting rid of The Great Pile in the garage. Dad has been parking out back and using the back door in our bedroom to get to his car. Saturday morning, JE was getting ready for work, I was sleeping, when dad walked into our bedroom without knocking. Understandably, he was trying to get to his car, but not really ok. So the removal of the crap in the garage just got expedited. Stairs, or no stairs; bad hip or no hip; our backdoor just became off limits.
I'm excited for this week. Thanksgiving day, JE and I will start out with a big run. I hope. I'm fighting a tiny little cold, which keeps trying to sneak into my lungs. My hope is to be done with this nasty thing before Wednesday.
Monday: plan food for week and shop. Finish organizing garage, and tomb. Little run, four miles or so.
Dinner: Thai curry
Tuesday: bike ride if it isnt raining. Work on suit for class.
Dinner: veggie soup and walnut bread with cheese
Wednesday: swim a mile. prep low GI pie to take to Gram's
Dinner: chipotle
Thursday: run a lengthy run, eat a lot of food and be so very grateful.
Friday: watch movies and eat yummy, healthyish snacks and leftovers. Bike if we feel like it. Swimming is also a possibility. Whatever we like for the next couple of days.
Dinner: leftovers
Saturday: enjoy the day. Set up the Christmas tree.
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