Each time I wondered if I could do this in such a short time period, it stopped me mid-stride. Less than six months. Part of this is planning, part of it weighs in heavily on my conscious of doing things wholly and well. Is six months enough to make this a comfortable part of my being? To allow this to be more than a crash course? It took a year to earn this four miles, and to suddenly and wondrously lunge forward into my now comfortable seven mile run. But twenty-six point two? Careful planning is required to achieve this dream.
I've started to run hills, in an attempt to pick up my speed. Yesterday, JE woke early with me and we ran up and around the hills in our neighborhood. We passed a trash truck, and realized we hadn't set the garbage cans on the curb. We raced up the hill with a new found urgency with the truck making it's way up somewhere behind us. When we crested the hill and started down, we ran hard, leaping the speed bumps on along the way. We could hear the truck close behind, and getting closer. We ran big, trying to keep him from passing us. As we rounded the corner to our front door, and hauled the trash cans out, the truck passed our place. It was not our truck. Our truck came five minutes later. We stood at our entry, breathing hard and laughing. JE told me that I can really haul ass, when I want too...
My tulle skirts complete, I was able to leave work early today. All this rain that we have been promised over the next couple days is taking it's sweet time to get here. It was warm and sunny, with clouds that herded like sheep across the sky. Perfect for a mid arvo run. I added a hill to my six and a Half miler, and ran though a lemon grove and a field of sage, scented heaven.
About a mile from my goal, I stopped and watched those clouds for a few minutes (when was the last time I did that?), and calculated. If I add three and two thirds miles each month... But that thought is what kept halting me in my run today. Could I run some of the twenty-odd miler routes I have been cycling over the past couple years? Do I want to? How bad do I want to achieve this crazy dream?
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