Flying down the trail, into a brilliant sunset, I inadvertently collected a flying bug in my throat. Coughing and spitting for the next half mile, the bug eventually died but stayed tucked safely somewhere between my windpipe and my piehole. But it was great to be back in the saddle,a again. 24 miles including my commute on vacant roads, gotta love Labor Day!
Mister Bingly's vest and frock coat are finished, as is Mister Bennet's waistcoat. Tomorrow will see me finishing his house coat and any alterations left undone at this point. Tomorrow the costumes are taken upstairs to be distributed among various dressing rooms. Actors will wear them during the long days of technical rehearsal--where sound and light queues are set, while the designer may have far too much time to fret over minute details. Let's just hope we all pass that test well. Especially the actor's shoes--shoes that have been worn for weeks in rehearsal can suddenly become incredibly uncomfortable when an actor has to stand in them for 8 hours while queues are recorded, it can be a podological nightmare.
Swimming tomorrow morning, not bike commuting. I forgot I have to actually get to class! I'm really excited that it is after labor day. The kids will be back go school zoom if not already there, which means the pools will start to be less crowded, hurray!
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