As I mentioned earlier, I have new cycling shoes. On my ride home, I met JE and we headed to Irvine Bicycles to have them fitted with cleats and new pedals. They are always super helpful, and extremely fun to just go visit.
To be honest, getting different pedal/cleat system is a bit nerve wracking. When I first got my cleats, I dumped over sideways from a standing position because I couldn't unclip from the bike fast enough. JE was there to untangle me from my monstrous bike that I was twined up in and still attached to by the feet. Then, for the next couple week and into my cycling tour, I would literally jolt awake with nightmares about falling into traffic because I was unable to unclip fast enough. A friend helped me figure out how to adjust the pressure needed to release from the pedal and those nightmares became a thing of the past.
So excited for the weekend. Being "Interim Shop Manager" pretty much sucks. I work with my peers, and will be returning to work with my peers when/if I go back to work at this shop. I really wanted this to be a fun experience, but one of my coworkers has been complaining about unfair treatment of the past. Not realizing his coworker was doing somethings I asked him to do, the assumption was made that the coworker was taking care of his own business and slacking off. He really let fly with it yesterday, putting me in an impossible situation--on my birthday! I was so frustrated I walked away from him saying, 'I am the Interim!' I lost it today when he told me it was completely dis-empowering for me to have walked away. I don't yell or scream, but ALL of my patience was zapped out of me. I was completely frustrated with him, and let him know it, quite adamantly--for better or for worse. I cannot change the past to suit him better; nor his perception of the present, nor the future--not as the 2-week shop stopgap. Believe it or not, I am doing my damnedest to make things fair and comfortable for everyone. Grrrr!!!
And with that I will say that cycling today, and swimming tonight, was definitely good therapy. Just moving is so good for the soul! Moving more tomorrow. And only working half a day--Monday was a 12 hour day, tomorrow I split 4 hours early! Hurray for Fridays!
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