Somethings should not be asked, unless one is willing to listen. Today, I asked someone what his complaint was against someone else. Poor choice on my part. Though the individual had valid points, it feels as though the wound has festered and become far more than the individual could deal with.
Contention isn't a comfortable thing, and complaints are only as good as the action to resolve them. On my cycling tour, I met a woman who complained constantly about everything. She was on her own also and really looking for someone else to ride with. I couldn't stand to be with her for long.
Liken this to my workout: My cycling shoes are lost--gone, not yet replaced. I recognize that without my shoes, I am a less effective cyclist. I have a choice: Lament and complain that my shoes are gone and that I am less effective, work harder with what shoes I do have and make do, or buy new shoes that will improve my effectiveness. My choice: I am not a victim if I choose not to be influenced by my shoes being gone and take responsibility to make positive changes. It is called being proactive.
After work, the trail was so inviting and the flow off the ocean so sweet and brisk, I decided to go for a spin. Twenty four point 4 miles later, JE picked me up just as the trail was getting dark. We came home and had a bowl of cereal. I was realizing that if that bowl of cereal had remained the only dinner I had, it would have been the 4 meal of cereal in the last 48 hours--2 breakfasts, 2 dinners. As it was, we had tomorrow night's dinner--salmon and vegetables with rice.
We jumped into our swim wear and trotted up the hill in the moonlight. The lights in the pool were out, so we swam by moonlight. I started out with 12 laps. Then did another 12. When I realized I could achieve a mile with less effort than I had just put forward, I couldn't resist. One set of 11 and one set of 10 and I was at my second mile swim. I wonder what 11 year old me would think of me, a woman who can swim the distance she always coveted but thought impossible--probably that I am pretty dang cool.
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