Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 116: Free falling

Of all mornings to be packed and ready to hit the road running, this one had a load of promise. I awoke fresh and ready, my gear and clothes packed, lunch ready to pluck from the fridge. My running pants, long sleeve t-shirt, fleece vest and running shoes on, we eased on down the road. My goal this morning was not to let JE get ahead of me, but to keep abreast of him. He is naturally faster than I am, though he takes more breaks. After our 1 mile warm up walk, we rounded our first corner, where I met a bump in the road. My shoe caught and suddenly flying forward, hands on the cement, knees on the ground. I rolled over onto my back, feeling the shock on my back, forearms and knees. Ugh, I winced, I whimpered (I really did). Thoughts of just going home registered as justifiable. Thoughts of choice, questioning if one run would matter. JE came to see if I was alright. I stretched everything, seeking the pain. I looked at my favorite running pants with a new hole in the knee, at my favorite knee with the new skinless holes glowing white in the moonlight. Sigh. Figuring that one run does matter, that I should run before my sock filled up with blood, I got up and ran. Adrenaline had already taken over and I was feeling almost fine. I completed my 5K, and even with the 30 seconds or so I was on the ground, knocked 4 seconds off my time.

In reality, I missed my bike commute/training in an effort to go buy extra large bandages. However, I tried to make up for it tonight by cycling double the distance to our usual meeting place. I bailed on finishing my ride because I left my coat at home and I was freezing. My fingers couldn't straighten out by the time I finally did meet JE.

Life is about choices. Topping my yogurt with fruit vs candy (I lost that one tonight. Heath bar and almonds, yes, please!), waking early to go for that run/bike/swim/yoga practice, blog vs sleep, etc. It's the small things that make the big things happen in my life. I love my life.


  1. Ouch!! Glad you are alright though. :)

    Yes, choices. So many choices. The key is making the choices that support our goals. Sounds like you have that figured out though. ;)

  2. Ouch! Way to finish strong sis!
