There was still 30 minutes before my alarm was to go off, but my brain wouldn't stand for me to lay idle in my bed. Not when there was some movement to do. The area I've been slacking off in the most is stretching, so I woke up and did some yoga. I felt really distressed at waking JE up this morning, he was so tired last night and such a good sport about accompanying me on my runs. He got up and dressed. We ran in the early dawn light, just a short run, because we were expecting to get trashed tonight at our tri training class. We weren't disappointed...
Perhaps it was the 9 mile ride in addition to the short run and yoga, but that circuit training class was so hard! I was literally dripping sweat and soaked before the end of it. 20 minutes before the end of class, my calf locked up. It is still a huge knot. Sleeping soon and some ibuprofen should help.
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