Monday, January 31, 2011
Day 123: another day another dollar
We left the house this morning with a crescent moon whose face was lit up with light reflected off the ocean. Recently, in church, a young woman spoke about the different light from the moon and from the sun. The light of the sun comes from within, while the light of the moon is reflected by the much more intense sunlight. Her point was that we, each of us, has an opportunity to learn to be a maker of light, not just a reflector.
We got home while the sky was still golden with morning light and prepped for our cycle commute to work. It was fun to ride with JE, he is much faster on this bike than on his last bike.
Work was tough. After lunch, I was patterning a jacket. Patterning requires a whole lot of concentration. Supervising projects given to students to finish demands attention at any given moment. Holy cow... By the time I was out of there, I was spent.
I met JE at the car and we rode home, showered, picked up Mom, went to dinner at Chipotle. True Grit started at 7:50, it was awesome!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Day 122: Rest Day
My Gram was thrilled be there. She is so awesome She knew it was going to be a lot of walking today, so she borrowed a wheelchair, just to make sure she wouldn't miss anything. Whenever she felt she was missing something, she popped out. We had a lot of fun in the Museum of Art, looking at all the Russian Icons.
Plans for the week (a bit tricky with Mom visiting from UT):
AM: Run: 40 Minutes
Walking Lunges 25 each leg, sit ups-50 crunches/25 each side, push-ups-30
Bike to work Quickly!
PM:Cycle to JE
Swimming 700 yards
PM: Circuit Training Class (Accidentally became S&M class in our local dialect)
AM: Run: Short run-2 miles
Walking Lunges 25 each leg, sit ups-50 crunches/25 each side, push-ups-30
Bike to work Quickly!
PM: Cycle to JE
Dinner with Mom
AM: Walking Lunges 25 each leg, sit ups-50 crunches/25 each side, push-ups-30
Say goodbye to Mom!
Cycle to work
PM: Ride to JE
Swim: 700 yards
AM: Run 45 minutes
Walking Lunges 25 each leg, sit ups-50 crunches/25 each side, push-ups-30
Bike to work Quickly!
Ride to JE
Do something fun
Swim Clinic, Transition and Brick Clinic
Hoping for some sun and warmth for a beautiful beach side bike ride!
Nutrition goals: Keep track of calories on My Net Diary
Eat 30% protein, whole grains, less sugar-including fruit, more vege
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Day 121: Bike Christening Day
By the time we were finished, our bikes were covered in road grit and mud. Including JE's brand spanking new bike. He had taken a short cut over the grass and "stretched it's legs."
We had left so late, we hadn't had time to eat, so after our class, we dropped into Sprouts market and got a sandwich and chips. Don't shop hungry!
Mom was expected around 2, so we hurried home to finish cleaning the house (my plan to clean last night was diverted by an offer to be a date for Opening Night of Midsummer's Night Dream at South Coast Rep--How do you say, sorry, 'I have to clean my house!' to that? I don't!). As we backed into the garage, Mom popped around the corner! Fun, but so much for stealth!
JE disappeared for a while. I found him in the garage, cleaning his bike. I think he is in love! I am so happy for him, he deserves it!
We spent the afternoon at Crystal Cove Sate Beach, walking and sitting in the sun. There was a moment, I laid back on the sand. Several huge white gulls were circling in the thermal winds, high above me. The sun was at such an angle to light them from the side, causing their wings to appear translucent and their bodies to glow gold. Beautiful.
Day 120:
Work was busy, I love being busy at work. It makes things go so much faster. I enjoy the juggle of tasks, and teaching students how to do things well.
After work, I cycled to JE. We went to the bike store to pick up his sweet new bike. Robin's egg blue with brown tape and seat. Pretty. I don't think JE has been this happy about an earthly possession in his life (with the exception of his Strat).
Josh was stoked about his jacket, too. It's fun to see people so happy!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Day 119: Sewing
JE is getting his bike tomorrow. I am building a wool cycling jacket for Josh, the builder of bikes, as a thank you. I'm just trying to get it into a state that I can fit it on him.
There has been much to-do at Irvine Bikes over JE's new cycle. It hangs in the display window and people have taken photos of it. Famous! JE is giddy with anticipation. I am giddy with exhaustion.
Tomorrow, running and hoping to sneak in some cycle time in the arvo with JE and his new HotRod! I'll post photos later.
I think I need some yoga to undo all this sewing shoulder.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
118: Beehive
The only male bees in a hive are the queen's mates. Once mated, the males are escorted out of the hive and sent off into the great big world to die. Most languish just outside the hive. If they try to enter the hive again, they are attacked and driven away. Most of the bees that we see, are female. They are the workers who gather pollen, tend pupa, build honeycomb, and take care of the queen.
Work was a busy busy beehive(with the exception of the annihilation of all males). The three people who were helping on my project needed guidance, the projects I was preparing to enable those same people to continue working after the project they were finishing needed attention, and the designer needed a fit expert in her fittings. Busy! I missed breaks, worked through part of lunch and left late.
On our morning run, I asked JE what he thought we should do after the triathlon. "train for another triathlon." Where, I asked. "I don't know, Hawaii?" Sounds good to me. I think I love this lifestyle. Yes, I feel busy, but good busy. I sleep well, I get hungry, I sweat. Even tonight, during my swim, I was sweating.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
117: Yoga
While I was waiting for my favorite online yoga class to download (forever), I went to and discovered that today's deal was a coupon for Yogaworks. One month unlimited yoga for less than 50 bucks. After consulting JE about it, we decided that it would be a really good thing. We start attending later this week. Yoga is amazing for building stamina.
When I arrived at work today and told Julie, my boss, that my work was cut out as much as it could be cut cut out and that I was assembling as fast as I could, she hugged me. So simple, so sweet, such a remarkably grateful gesture. That made me feel like a million bucks.
In an effort to figure out this nutrition and exercise pattern thing, we are experimenting with what we eat before our Tuesday night class. Tonight we had an energy bar (Promax-20g of protein) half an hour before our circuit training. It was good energy, but my tummy was uncomfortably full of wind. Perhaps I can find another source of good protein and carbs to eat before a class next week.
I surprised myself tonight, during our class. We had a 20 minute circuit of 12 short laps, 40 push ups, 40 burpees (jumping into plank position then jumping back up into standing position), 40 squat press, 50 row, medicine ball rotations (or Russian twist). I finished more of it than anyone else in the class, that shocked me! (I think of myself as being so slow!) The burpees almost killed me, though. I tweaked my back--hence the muscle relaxer (right on queue!)
Monday, January 24, 2011
Day 116: Free falling
In reality, I missed my bike commute/training in an effort to go buy extra large bandages. However, I tried to make up for it tonight by cycling double the distance to our usual meeting place. I bailed on finishing my ride because I left my coat at home and I was freezing. My fingers couldn't straighten out by the time I finally did meet JE.
Life is about choices. Topping my yogurt with fruit vs candy (I lost that one tonight. Heath bar and almonds, yes, please!), waking early to go for that run/bike/swim/yoga practice, blog vs sleep, etc. It's the small things that make the big things happen in my life. I love my life.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 115: Rest day, literally
Last night, I finally took a muscle relaxer my doc gave me for my hip. I slept 12 hours last night and took a 4 hour nap this afternoon. Adverse or not, my hip feels great today; though I can't imagine taking them for 3 weeks straight, as prescribed. I'm not a good patient, but what was I expecting going to the doctor in the first place? Perhaps I'll try my acupuncturist and a good massage if and when this knot in my hip returns. She cured my TMJ a few years ago.
Only 33.5 days left until the big event!
Training for the week:
AM: Run 5K with a couple drills thrown in from Saturday's workshop
Walking lunges, sit ups, push ups, Stretch
Cycle to work, maintaining a speed of 17 MPH
PM: Cycle to JE
Yogurt with LaBrue fam
Grocery shopping
And Family Council: Budgeting
AM: Yoga
Cycle to work, leisure
PM: Circuit training/stick with it
AM: Run 5K with a couple drills thrown in from Saturday's workshop
Walking lunges, sit ups, push ups, Stretch
Cycle to work, maintaining a speed of 17 MPH
PM: Cycle to JE
Swimming 700 yds plus warm up and cool down
AM: Light, short running 1.5 miles. Drills
Yoga: 15 minutes
Cycle to work, leisure
PM: Cycle to JE
Leisure Swim Or visit friend
Duration Run: Set timer for 40 minutes and see how far I can go. Plus warm up/cool down. Run my guts out and be prepared to sweat/Don't be afraid of pain
Cycle to work
PM: Cycle to JE
Prep for MIL arrival
Tri-Training: Group ride and clothing clinic
Ride on the board walk
Greet Mom!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Day 114: Somebody pulled the cheese alarm
We ran down Ocean Bulevard, a deceptive little peninsula in Long Beach that on some maps appears to have a bridge connecting it back to the mainland (no bridge, as discovered on one of my longer bike rides...).
Running at 5:45 with an empty belly is great, there is nothing to get in the way of a nice healthy run. Running on empty at 8 is an entirely different matter, it is a lot harder to maintain. Between that and my calf knotting up, I felt doomed to fail. But I did not. I maintained my run--the entire way--even when I felt like walking. I grunted, opened my gait, and slowed just a tiny bit. That magical rhythm in my breath kept me going today, and imagining that string keeping my body inline. It was a tough run, but a beautiful thing to know that I can run through the pain of a balled up muscle.
After our run, the class went to Runner's High. They had a shoe clinic. Yup, there sure is a lot to know about shoes... However, it was nearly 10 and we had just run 3 miles on an empty stomach. I was sweaty and cold and frankly, just bought new shoes which I love. After the shoe clinic, we walked to the car and made it half way around the block when we saw a sign for CHEESE! A whole storefront dedicated to the stuff! And they were just opening.
Lisa, at Venissimo Cheese, greeted us and showed us cases full of beautiful cheese. We chose a moderately stinky, washed rind cheese called taleggio , fat bright green olives and a small baton of bagette. Such a breakfast. We sat in the car, with the cheese on the window to warm and watched traffic pass. If we had turned the car around we would have been gazing at the ocean, but then our cheese wouldn't have warmed as quickly. What a fabulous breakfast!
From there, we drove to LA County Museum of Art for the Fashion through the Ages exhibit. We wandered the Ahmanson building for a few hours, looking at the history of the West go from Egypt to 1950's kitsch in a matter of a few thousand years. (as our art gets less refined, we, as a society, get more chaotic--in someways that is very good, in others, it's devastating) It's always so inspiring to see beautifully crafted things; whether it's an inlaid cabinet or well balanced painting. It is always inspiring to bring more refined beauty into my world, and since there is now way I could afford to buy it, I need to make it. I ache to make beautiful things.
By 2:00, JE and I were hungry again, so we bought a bag of trail mix and found our way to the fashion exhibit.
Honestly, the exhibit was perhaps one of the most inspiring things I have ever seen. The fabrics, the cuts, the embellishments. All so unbelievable. I kept thinking, I get to recreate this for a living! How lucky am I! There was so much to learn, so much to take with me. It was amazing! ( I had to buy the exhibit book just to have the knowledge)
JE and stood looking at a couple of mens suits from the 1700's. I pointed out the strange way the pants crease in the groin area and explained that it did that the because of the way the breech was cut, like the leg was splayed out (and then it dawned on me why) as if straddling a horse! Of course! That would have been why pants were cut like that! Duh! And there were a few pairs of breeches that were made of silk crepe. There was no Lycra back then, so anything snug like that would have had a way to move. Looking at the back of the thigh, there were several big swathing wrinkles, depicting a larger cut in the back of the seat, thus enabling the wearer to move, but being covered at all times by a tailcoat to the knee. Ah Ha!
Around 5, with all fuel burned off in excessive glee, we made our way to Cantor's deli, just a couple miles from the museum. JE ordered a special, Chopped liver and Pastrami on fresh light rye. On a whim, I ordered corned beef and cabbage. When it came, there was half a head of cabbage draped with half a pound or more of corned beef and a huge potato. Wow, there was so much food! So yummy!
On our way home we stopped at Venice Blvd to get gas. Across the street from the gas station, was a Spudnuts, a place we had seen on the travel channel, but thought only existed in Washington state. Apparently, they're all over Southern California! As full of food as we were, we had to stop! All I have to say is, spudnuts kicked doughnuts in the doughnut hole!
I am really looking forward to planning next week, I have been thinking of some fun things to punch up my workouts!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Day 113: Recovery
My Day:
Woke up at 3 and fed the cat. Went back to bed. Couldn't sleep. Rolled over and looked at the clock at 5:07. Shut off the 5:30 alarm and went to sleep instantly. The 6:04 alarm went off and I hit snooze several times until I finally shut it off at 7. Arrived at work 45 minutes late. Worked my brains out and played task master to a 101 student. Left work an hour late (didn't take my bike and JE had the car). Went to dinner at SW seafood. Blogging and soon, movie or bed, whichever swallows me first.
Tomorrow is running clinic and a workshop on what to wear. Hoping my hip and calf behave.
The vision that I started this training with, of finishing and finding JE and friends in the crowd, have changed quite a bit since I started this. I now see myself as climbing out of that pool, bouncing my way that extra 20 yards or so to the finish line and smiling. Just me. Maybe JE is there, maybe he isn't (He has been talking about registering for the event also. He has until February 14th, and then the price goes up).
Perhaps this new image is because I have so much more confidence in myself about this race. The things I needed to learn, I have learned (except nutrition, dang it!). The strength I have needed to gain, I have gained. I feel that if the event were tomorrow, I could complete it.
I have 35 days to get just a little more fit and a little bit faster. Hear I go!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Day 112: Restrictions
I cycled to work, and changed quickly out of my "rationals," and went to work on an Elizabethan corset. Ironic. There is a lot of cutting to do, and I was on my feet almost all day--in my cycle cleats because I forgot to pack my other shoes. My hip is killing and I have no desire to test run muscle relaxers (my doc prescribed them yesterday) on a week night. Good grief. I think a hot bath and to bed, is key.
Part of me feels really bad about my short, unimaginative writing lately. So much of my energy is being directed at so many other elements in my life, and I simply cannot do it all. Partly, when I took on this endeavor, I was unemployed with only a few weeks of work planned. I have, thankfully, been working full time since October. So, while my training is really important to me and my goals propel me, I have a job for the next few weeks and that needs to be my priority.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Day 111: Breakthrough
Today was amazing. I had a fitting with a dancer (female) for whom I had made a wheel farthingale and corset--not something I have ever done before. It was amazing to see my work--work. Everything went on as though I'd been doing this for years. Really exciting to see. To celebrate that achievement, JE took me to our favorite Japanese restaurant, Fukada's in Irvine. Unagi Don is a favorite way to celebrate (that and jumping up and down smiling!!!)
I'm hoping my triathlon is similar in nature to this; easier than anticipated. I can run a 5K, swim 200 yards (far more than that, in reality) and I can absolutely cycle 12 miles. I'm just not quite sure I can put it all together and do it in less than 2 hours!
Oh, and yes, I am living up to my goals for exercise this week. Enjoying the work.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Perhaps it was the 9 mile ride in addition to the short run and yoga, but that circuit training class was so hard! I was literally dripping sweat and soaked before the end of it. 20 minutes before the end of class, my calf locked up. It is still a huge knot. Sleeping soon and some ibuprofen should help.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Day 109: Cleaning day
Tonight we went for a swim. I showed JE the improvement that I recently learned. Later he told me that now he could keep up with me. Hurray!
I've been hearing a lot about how good chocolate milk is as a recovery drink (the protein and carbohydrate that should be consumed within 30 minutes of a work out). I am experimenting with my own mix- one part cocoa, two parts sugar--mixed together and use 1 Tb mix in 1 cup milk. Not bad, I just need to figure out how to make it dissolve better.
Need some sleep tonight.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Day 108: Angola
When we pulled up to our hotel, there were plants in front of a few of the rooms, welcome mats and cats in front of others. A couple rooms had folding lawn chairs in front. All obvious signs that this was more than just a place to spend the night to some of those who lived there. JE checked us in and was offered the deluxe suite for an additional $10. Oh, Yah! Deluxe water bed suite! So, he took it. I had to get something from the car, and after I left the woman behind the counter asked JE, "so, where did you find her?" "actually, she is my wife." The woman looked at him with accusation and said, "Mmmm hmmm."
We were hungry and needed dinner, so we went for a walk around the block to find someplace to eat. We found the liquor store half a block away, and not much else. I think we dined on the remainder of our auto snack, not much else.
The room was decked out with more furniture than any hotel room needs, leading us to wonder who had been evicted so that we could "enjoy" the water bed suite. Everything was just old and worn, including the TV. We laid down on the bed. Generally, water beds have a heater, right? Not that one! Stone cold. I don't think either of us slept. It was the kind of place that makes you wonder where the video camera was hidden.
We rolled into the dealership, way too bright and way to early the next morning. Both of us just so glad to be done with that hotel and the night. It wasn't long before we were rolling on home.
Plan for the week:
Pretty much the same as last week
Each day: Gentle yoga/stretching
Some calisthenics/circuit training
Sit ups 50
Push ups-girl 30
Swim: warm up/cool down 100 yds, freestyle 650 yds (work on monotony and rotating)
dynamic stretching:
Speed training.
Ride to work when possible. Get a ride home in the dark, until the trails are cleared
Changed class to Tuesday nights--heck of a work out!
Short,easy run in the AM
Gentle yoga/flow
Sneak up on the house (walking lunges) 25 each leg
Sit ups 50
Push ups-girl 30
ride to work
Swim: warm up/cool down 100 yds, freestyle 650 yds (work on monotony and rotating)
Thursday:Hoping to steal a few hours in the PM with my lovey and his new bike! for a 25-30 mile ride
Running, Easy 2.5 miles
Sit ups 50
Push ups-girl 30
Swimming: warm up/cool down 100 yds, freestyle 650 yds (work on monotony and Rotating)
Saturday: triathlon training: Cycling!
Goal for the week: Get more sleep, see doc about my hip--still hurting
Food Goal for the week: more whole grain and lean protein.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Day 107: Bicycle Clinic and Thoughts on Happiness
Years later, I picked up a pair of inline skates and skated the trails all over Provo. Routinely, I would glide the 6 miles into work. I loved my rides. More recently, I've been talking with a friend about joining the local derby team. However, I like my body and don't think that would be a really friendly place for it. Without skate, I am 6'3" tall. With skates, I'm closer to 7 feet. Dang!
We started the morning early, with our class in Long Beach at El Dorado park. Bicycle clinic...
Our instructor told us about riding in a crowd and warning people about passing them. He also taught us to turn left and right using our signals. Hmmm... Pretty elementary and far more basic than I was hoping. I really wanted some more advanced instruction. It wasn't to be. He had us cycle around the park, a 1.8 mile loop giving instructions to one woman on a Specialized, whom he figured was perhaps more advanced than the rest of us. I listened intently as he told her about marking a sprint distance, standing in the saddle and pushing on a lower gear to gain distance. So many people underestimate my bike.
We were all given different start times. JE was first, 3 others and then came my turn. My goal was to maintain about 17 MPH the entire way for 40 minutes. I caught JE before he was half way around the loop. We played competitive and bantered about kicking butts and eating dust. At one point, while I thought he was enjoying a feast of my dust, he whizzed by me, screeching like an old woman, "on our left!!!" Scared the crap out of me.
I completed 5-6 laps in that 40 minutes. When we arrived back at the parking lot, it was filled with speed skaters on speed inline skates. I was able to get some info about some of the local groups and also shopping for skates (I have a skate fund set aside...)
It was such a beautiful day, in the low 80s. So after our clinic we headed to Huntington Beach board walk for a real ride, the joyous kind that knows no speed goals or training expectation. This is why I ride. I love that! The sun, the surf, the dolphins, the distance, seeing the delight and wonder on the faces of people around me. It makes me feel like myself again, gets me in touch with my thoughts that are so easily distracted in day to day living.
Life is so full and rich, even in our lowest state, if we just open our eyes to it. Today I had this thought about a fairly substantial wish of mine that has been so far unfulfilled. If I switch my focus, and see that thing as a gift, change perspective and look for the positive, my life happier. It's hard sometimes, but the reality is, I only have one life. Any time I spent unhappy is wasted. This life is about Joy! Be happy, be grateful, be buoyant and light.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Day 106: Swimming
Mel, a friend from work who sponsored me in, met me at the pool and showed me around. There was steam rising from the surface and I couldn't wait to get in to warm up. I showed her some of the drills we learned in last weeks swim clinic, and I started swimming my laps. My aim was to improve and get the rhythm of my breath synchronized with my stroke. I could have swam forever, and promised myself that someday really soon, I will swim a mile.
There were three people in the pool, so I asked the lifeguard how my rhythm was. He taught me to enter the water with my fingers not so far from my head. Apparently I reach out too far and pull in. I tried using his technique for a few laps, reaching my elbow slightly higher and allow my arm to stretch out under the water and then pull back. Magic. I flew! I was so entranced by the grace of that movement, I almost forgot to breath.
One of the perks of my work is free concert/play/opera/dance tickets. Tonight we watched Tango Buenos Aires. To move like that! It was a beautiful show and has inspired us to flavor our weekend with all things Argentine! MOLAA, Food, movies, vaceros clothing (just kidding about the clothes) .... It's early for soccer and rodeo, but perhaps we can get creative. Who is in?
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day 105: Change
I want change in my life, but right now, I'm tired and hurting and the old ways are just so easy to slip into. Over the Christmas break, I watched a load of movies and a TV show on Netflix. My training and writing became secondary. TV is a great pacifier. But I don't want to be pacified. I want to feel the passion of this change in my life.
Swimming is amazing. I love how strong and slim I feel when I swim regularly. The things that prevent me from swimming more often are:
1) the cold
2) Time
3)needing to wait after a meal to swim
4) the cleanup
5) Priorities
How can I overcome these?
1) Suck it up or find an indoor pool (though that would take more time, so just suck it up!)
2) Get it done! Those 650 yards need to be done and don't care how long I take to do them!
3) Eat small, have an energy drink poolside and eat afterward
4) Remember how awesome it feels to climb into bed clean and exhausted
5) This is a toughy. I love my friends and want to hang out with them, go do fun things, watch a movie, read a book. The reality is that I have a bit over a month and a half and I will be doing this for real! Perhaps I should plan a party that I could just say, I can't tonight, I have training. But, I am having a party in February, I hope you will come! Potentially I could say the same thing to my book or movie. Just tired tonight.
I can't even believe how long it has been since I have gone on a ride over 30 miles. I can't believe how long it has been since I've gone more that 10!
1: Time, I work
2: the dark
3: getting out the door in time to commute
4: clean up
5: Wanting to be with my JE on the weekends while he has no bike.
How can I overcome these?
1: Plan better. Prepare lunch and fill panniers at night
2: Not really an excuse! Riding in the dark is kind of fun. And, the days are already getting noticeably longer!
3: See #1
4: remember the 5 minute shower of cycle touring. Get it done and get to work! (warm up with a cup of tea, while working)
5: Won't be an excuse for much longer. JE is getting a bike. The world is our oyster and it will be slurped!
Running. I love my early morning runs. I love seeing the sky get lighter as I circle the block.
1: It's cold
2: Tired
3: Achilles tendon and clicky tight hurty hip
4: not finishing the run
How to overcome?
1: If I'm cold, I'm not working hard enough. Wear a hat and vest
2: I don't seem to know how to do all that I need to do in a day. Make a daily plan/time table and stick with it as best as I can.
3: Warm up before exercise and stretch after. Ice, heating pad, elevate, high heels (I know, I'm tall enough, but it actually really helps with tendinitis). Make an appointment with the doc (went today, but ironically, my doc went home sick!)
4: Keep running! I've finished before! Keep on keeping on! Vary my route, play games and smile!) Don't be afraid to walk if my hip/ankle is acting up.
I love food. Cooking whole food and making healthy meals is a joy for me. But I have some really big downfalls and habits.
1) over eating
2) grabbing whatever is on hand and ruin meals
3) sweets
4) eating out and menu choice
5) fried salty things
Overcoming it is tough and requires diligent work
1) Enter everything I eat into mynetdiary app. It worked before and makes me recognize my calorie intake and output
2) Often, I grab food quickly because I'm hungry. Don't get hungry. Eat regular, small portions. I know it works, it was the absolute most efficient way to eat on my cycle tour. Have almonds on hand for a quick fix
3) all of my teeth are sweet teeth, occasionally worse than at other times. Exchange sweets for fruit and nut butters and a piece of dark chocolate. Milk is also a great fix. Recently discovered greek yogurt with frozen mixed berries and a touch of honey... yum!
4) having a goal to not eat out as much helps, but when there isn't time in the day to cook and clean up and do everything else I do, restaurants are a huge help. Choose menu items with the most color, least fried, and least fatty condiments (aioli, dressings, spread). Choose lean meats.
5) Not terribly difficult to limit myself here these days. But sometimes, watch out! Any suggestions on fighting this one?
Remember the goal I have made for myself. That is all there is, that is everything. Finish, not last, within the completion time. Remember the finish-line. Concentrate improving the motion. Life changes are made by attending to the small things.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Day 104: maps
Before I went to bed at night, I would study my route for the next day. When I woke up, I would study my route again. My map was always a focus. The few times I found myself in an area not on my map, I had a trusty compass on my handlebar bag. Just head south! I was so invested reaching my goal, and those maps were important.
Today, we woke early and read my work out plan for the day. I only reached half of it, my hip is really bothering me. I made an appointment, begrudgingly, I know what the answer will be: heat, ice, rest and ibuprofen. What is the point of seeing a doc if I know the answer already? Grrrrr....
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Day 103:
Tri training is really fun. We switched to Tuesday nights because of how crowded Wednesday was. There are now 5 people in the class, so much better! It's almost like having my own personal trainer. Very good and very necessary. We did a couple circuit training exercises tonight. Sweat was dripping down my face as I held a plank position for a minute.
There are some really neat people in the class. All first time triathletes.
Food goals for tomorrow: No whites (flour, sugar) Go for colors!
Goal for tonight: get some sleep! I need more than 5 hours, apparently...
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day 102: Figs
About a year later, we were under the tree with handfuls of figs. A brunette woman and a young boy got came from the house and loaded a car parked out front. She looked at us inquisitorially. We told her we had talked to Henry and he had said to please pick the fruit. She seemed perturbed. We talked further and found out that she is his wife. I don't know who the blond woman was...
The fig tree has been gone for about a year now, and in it's place, a small seedling with bright coral colored flowers as a crown.
On leaving the house this morning for our run, it didn't feel cold. We layer our clothing; long sleeves, long pants, a vest, long socks, a fuzzy headband and often, gloves. As our pace quickened, the cold sank in further and what had been a really mild morning, felt cold. We ran our 3 miles, circling the neighborhood, checking the citrus and avocado trees for ripeness. The dogs love to bark at us, ungodly creatures running the streets before the sun is brightening the sky. The skunks were still out and the coyotes were having hysterical laughing fits.
I rode to and from work today also. I only missed my swim because JE had to work late, and I don't trust myself not to drown.
Day 101: New Worlds
What fears did Meriwether and William have as they guided their men through the unknown waters of the Snake? Or the men and women crossing the Atlantic to find the promise of a better life in the Americas? People have always done much bigger, scarier things!
Our lives are such that we invent things to worry over (like cellulite and body shape), hurdles to leap (at the gym), frontiers to explore (on the internet). We need challenge, a goal, something obtainable if only I could...
This morning I found a book online called, Slow Fat Triathlete. She has a blog as well. She is really inspiring. If she can do this, I can do this. And I am doing this!
So here is my plan of happiness for the week to come:
Planning for the week:
Each day: Gentle yoga/stretching
Run-5K, work on shortening time
Sneak up on the house (walking lunges) 25 each leg
Sit ups 50
Push ups-girl 30
Swim: warm up/cool down 100 yds, freestyle 650 yds (work on monotony and rotating)
dynamic stretching:
Speed training.
Ride to work when possible. Get a ride home in the dark, until the trails are cleared
Changed class to Tuesday nights--heck of a work out!
Short,easy run in the AM
Gentle yoga/flow
Sneak up on the house (walking lunges) 25 each leg
Sit ups 50
Push ups-girl 30
ride to work
Swim: warm up/cool down 100 yds, freestyle 650 yds (work on monotony and rotating)
Thursday:Hoping to steal a few hours in the PM with my lovey and his new bike! for a 25-30 mile ride
Running, Easy 2.5 miles
Sit ups 50
Push ups-girl 30
Swimming: warm up/cool down 100 yds, freestyle 650 yds (work on monotony and Rotating)
Saturday: triathlon training: Cycling!
Goal for the week: Get more sleep
Food Goal for the week: more whole grain and lean protein.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Day 100!!!: Soup du Jour
The instructor had us swim a partial length of the pool and then gave us all feedback. I'm pleased to say that I am doing fairly well, but I need to learn to rotate my body more. I also have to work on drawing my breath in time to those rotations, rather than lifting my head and stressing my neck. But I was sort of fast out there today, I kept running into people in front of me and eventually they just let me go first.
Soup du jour: Veg with garbonzo beans and chicken.
I'm afraid to say that I have been feeling like I'm cheating myself by eating almost everything I want (within reason, I do have some control). I demand so much on my body and it gives so much. It feels like I need to pay closer attention to the nutrients I put into it. I won't renounce anything, but keep a closer eye on refined foods and try not to drink my calories (except during long workouts when it is easier to drink than eat).
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day 99: Date night
Movie night!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day 98: Waffles
When we got home, we found a similar waffle maker (Vitantonio)on a clearance rack at ZCMI. It's the world's fastest! For weeks and weeks, waffles were served in my home, as breakfast and dinner. Golden steaming hot goodness!
Years later, when I worked at a local opera company, here in California, I would take the waffle maker and my mix to work and make waffles for the crew. Everyone contributed anything from strawberries and cream to ham and cheese.
Tomorrow, I am introducing Waffle Friday to my current coworkers. Everyone talks about wanting someone else to bring fried chicken to serve with them. Here is my recipe (altered to fit, as most people won't be able to grind their own wheat (however if you can, do it for this recipe! So good!!!)):
Iris's Whole Wheat Waffles
sift together
1 cup Whole wheat pastry flour (4oz)
1 cup all purpose flour (4oz)
2 Tb sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
Whisk together
2 large eggs
2 1/4 cups buttermilk
1/4 cup butter
Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and stir until just moist (there will still be dry lumps--don't sweat it)
Pour 1/2 cup into waffle maker and cook until golden. Serve hot with maple syrup, or ham and cheese.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day 97: class
in and cleaned her office. We didn't talk much, but her laugh made me
remember what I really like about her. I still don know what happened,
I still don't want to know what happened. Weird work day.
We woke this morning and ran a bit, only abou a mile and a half. My
goal was to ride to work, but nothing was in my favor.
Tonight we went to my triathlon training class. His could be fun. It
definetly made me work harder and found some muscles I only thought I
was working on. We did a series of calasthetics focused on analysing
each persons physical fitness level and strengthening. After a few
series of lunges, squats, jumping jacks and jump squats, my legs just
sort of stopped working. It was fun though. And challenging. The
personal trainer let us know that there is a half blur window between
work out and when we need to replenish nutrients and that the ratio of
carbs to protein during that time is three to one. We went to Sprouts
and got a chicken and bread and bananas. Perfect.
From Iris's iPhone which has auto-correct, but no spell check. Sorry!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Day 96: Will
That's sort of how I feel today; like dancing in my own driver's seat. At five thirty, I ran my distance with a few short bursts of speed. While I was prepping eggs for breakfast, JE kissed me and asked if I was sweating. Sweat was dripping down my face and neck, I was soaked from my run.
Without changing, I rode to work. It was so cold! My clothes were soaked. But it was brilliant to be on my bike again. The trails have been cleared from the debris and sand that often clots them after storms. In some places, piles of sand had been scooped off the trail and lined the path.
A coworker asked how my ride was this morning. My ride is a way to clear my head, put all my worries aside, see the beauty around me, talk to Heaven. She said it was good that I have that, I say it's good to know where to go to find it.
After work, we swam. I lost track of my laps, somewhere in the realm of 15-20 (600-800 yards). Like I said, I'm dancing in my seat! (and ready for some serious sleep!)
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 95: TV stole my Brain!!!
And now, to try to be interesting, I write about that? whoa. Who am I? Lack of TV has brought out the opposite extreme--Way too much TV!
We had a great run this morning. I set a new mile record, got really tired and slowed down to finish my 5k. Here is the thing, I know I can do it. Now to keep doing it with longer endurance.
I did everything on my list for the day, however, I don't think I set myself up with enough activities for today. I should have taken initiative and gone swimming tonight, or rollerskating!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Day 94:
For southern California, 48 degrees in the daytime is cold. Really cold! We walked north on the beach, because there was a river running down one of the mini canyons and across the beach, blocking our way south. The wind whipped at our backs, through polar fleece and rain jackets. We walked about half a mile when we came across another spontaneous river, this one stemming from a waterfall on the side of the cliff. Water was surging in a miniature flash flood. We bolted across in front of it and got to the the other side, just in front of a Barbie sized wall of water. At that point, we turned around to look at the waterfall and realized that how ever far we went, we were going to have to walk back into that nasty wet wind. We headed for the car, crossing that stream. This time JE dragged a log to the narrowest part and dropped it in, thoroughly splashing me. Oops! Wet is wet, and we ran most of the way back to the car, laughing.
Planning for the week:
Each day: Gentle yoga/stretching
Run-5K, work on shortening time
Sneak up on the house (walking lunges) 25 each leg
Sit ups 50
Push ups-girl 30
Tuesday: try dynamic stretching:
Speed training.
Ride to work when possible. Get a ride home in the dark, until the trails are cleared
Swim: warm up/cool down 100 yds, freestyle 650 yds (work on monotony and flip turns)
Short,easy run in the AM
Gentle yoga/flow
Sneak up on the house (walking lunges) 25 each leg
Sit ups 50
Push ups-girl 30
ride to work
First day of Triathlon training class=circuit training with a pro trainer=excitement
And hopefully a better idea of how to get faster!
Thursday: Off (Why does that feel so very radical? I have it on good authority that I actually need two days off per week!We shall see. Hoping that by doing this, I can keep better workouts as the week progresses)
Running, Easy 5k
Sneak up on the house (walking lunges) 25 each leg
Sit ups 50
Push ups-girl 30
Swimming: warm up/cool down 100 yds, freestyle 650 yds (work on monotony and flip turns)
Saturday: 2nd triathlon class. Learning ???
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Day 93: Happy New Year!!!
One 30 pound bag of shredded foam. It's six feet long. Big, isn't it?