Fear is a funny thing. If it is kept inside our heads, it can turn into something so much bigger than anything rational. I think that is why I write so often about my fears. These fears that are inside me are fished out with a grappling hook, and then dissected. As each fear is laid on the table for examination, the hard, impenetrable ball that is fear, begins to loosen and slacken. Talking about them puts them under a microscope where they dissolve before my eyes.
I know that on my week plan I said today was a long run. Well, I lied. I knew as I wrote it that today needed to be a long bike day. 52 miles up the coast at an average speed of 13 miles per hour. Some would say this is Junk Miles, I don't really care. I loved my ride today.
When I got home, I started to work on a project I have been thinking about for a while. When I work like that, I get so engrossed that I loose track of time and bodily needs. Eventually I had to eat a bit of something.
Tonight, I picked JE up at the trail head. He was coming back from work on his bike. We parked the car in a nearby parking lot and ran to a local park. At the park, we worked out to a Nike fitness club, sweating profusely. Fun. The run back to the car was really tough, I had no sugar in my blood and kept crashing.
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