It was cold tonight as we jogged up the hill to the pool. The full moon was bright and haloed. We got to the pool a bit after nine and swam like hell until the security guard came to kick us out. My arms are really fatigued from all the swimming we've been doing lately.
Time is a at a premium right now. Our late start happened because we ran out of food at home. As we prepared to leave for the Back Bay, I was stuffing the last of the berries into the last of the yogurt, mixing in the last of the milk and the last of the raisin bran. It ended up tasting like a smoothie over cereal, not terrible. I started a grocery list of a few things to supplement our pantry until the weekend. That list took us to two different stores and filled the back seat of the car.
Our favorite market is a cool little market called Wholesome Choice. As we were standing by the hot food counters, drooling, I called it. There was no sense in buying all the stuff for dinner, going home to prepare it, clean up, put the rest of the groceries away, and then get in our work out. Something had to give. We spit a two item combo: Chicken Tikka Masala and Saag with golden rice. Not bad for seven bucks total. And we didn't have to clean up.
Our ride this morning was beautiful and cold. The sandpipers are here. As are a host of other migrating birds. We got a great display of some beautiful birds.
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