My sister told me about a crazy bicycle race that lasted a number of days. There was one guy who repeatedly won. It seems that after so many hours of riding, the riders started to hallucinate. The victor's hallucinations were of monsters chasing him down the road. His teammates encouraged this delusion screaming things like, "They're right behind you! Go, go, go!!!" This is the kind of thing I think about as I run.
I awoke this morning at 6 sharp. No alarm needed. I woke JE and asked if he wanted to run with me. He didn't, but did it anyway. He's nice like that.
We ran and walked for 2 miles, walking a block and running a block. All other times in my life I have tried to run, I tired so easily. This morning though, I had a purpose, a vision, and a goal. I think something clicked in my brain. It wasn't that running was easy, still hard, but I found my reason. My hips relaxed, my shoulders loosened, and I found rhythm in my breath. I was thinking of monsters and Ganesha (, Lord of Beginnings, Remover of Obstacles, and shot a prayer up to my God in thanks for this insight and analogy.
I drove with JE to work and took off down the road on my big red bicycle. It is a POJ with a mixed bag of great components. Half a mile down the road the pavement polka-dotted with huge splats of rain. Awesome! I rode a bit faster to try to escape the edge of the cloud that was nearly behind me. A mile down the road had already seen huge dumping of rain. Puddles everywhere! Nice day to ride in white bike shorts--not only did I have a huge dark stripe up my rump, but they were see-through as well! JE texted wanting to know if I wanted a ride. Nope, I owned it. I wore my long wool jersey! On the way back to the car there was no evidence of rain, except my reverse Pepe la Pew stripe.
Food wise: Sum total of calories, according to my entries into is: 3108 intake with a loss of 2009 calories from my exercise. I need to figure out what to eat in a pinch. Planning is essential to success here. I may need to make some "Larabar" type treats and keep them stashed in the treat drawer--on top of the chocolate!
Iris, I LOVE this post! You are a great writer. Can't wait for more!